Who is this Poser on Tour?

Who is this Poser? Well, it’s a real one, by birth? My name actually is Jenny Poser, but besides clicking funny selfies, I am most likely the worst poser. So I leave posing to all these pretty ladies out there, focusing on being on tour and writing about it.

If not a real poser, who am I then? Well, let me enlighten you.

A German living in India since 2012: After coming to Delhi for the first time on a scholarship during my studies and falling in love with it, I decided to come back for an internship with an NGO and kind of got stuck thanks to my love for dogs. I found my first pups a week after I arrived and thought “What a pity I can’t keep them”. After 2 months I had adopted 2 of them, and every 2 years I found one more injured puppy and ended up keeping all four of them. I also found a great job after my 3rd year in India and everything and all of a sudden I was kind of settled and didn’t feel like leaving anymore.

Living in Delhi/India alone (with dogs) as a woman, I have had my ups and downs. I met amazing people in the beginning during my time with the NGO. And the worst kind through some “friends” and during my second job. I learned to live on a very small budget at the beginning which made me value everything I have now much more.

After meeting my now husband Russell, it was time to say goodbye to Delhi in October 2019 after 7 years and started a new chapter in Goa. It’s like living in paradise with beaches close by, a house with garden for the dogs to play in, no noise, no air pollution… It’s a dream come true, especially after living in a gas chamber like Delhi!

Big time animal lover and mother of the best dogs in the world: Four seems to be my lucky number. It all started with the two helpless pups Luke & Chewbacca, right after I moved to Delhi. Two years later, I found a half-starved and injured Indiana in front of my Gurgaon office and took him home. 1-month-old Deacon joined us another two years later after I found him during jogging in Deer Park with a big maggot-filled bite wound.

My Mom on one of her visits with all four of them in 2018
My Mom on one of her visits with all four of them in 2018

Luke, unfortunately, passed away only a month after moving to Goa after a year long struggle with cancer… who’s ever lost a pet will know how hard this is… A few months later, we found another injured 1-month-old puppy on one of our walks. Being the most awesome pup in the world, Shawn was destined to join our family.

Shawn, the cutest puppy in the world
Shawn, the cutest puppy in the world

“Do you ever travel with them?”, some of you might wonder. Not before moving to Goa as all of them had some or the other issue (Deacon being a full-fledged nutcase, Chewie super scared, Luke incredibly lazy and eventually sick, and Indy having an injured leg and can’t go for long trecks), but now we finally started exploring beaches together and they just LOVE car rides! I had high hopes for Shawn but the moment we sit somewhere he starts getting bored and starts “singing”, so nope, he’s not travel material either.

These guys truly changed my life. It was – and sometimes still is – quite a challenge of course and I was restricted in all aspects of my life for a long time. But I only need to look at these happy faces to know it was worth it 🙂

I’ve learned one of the most valuable lessons in these 5 years with them: nothing is impossible. Don’t let anyone tell you it is. Everyone kept telling me that when I got Luke and Chewie, repeated it on adopting Indy and declared me insane when I brought Deacon home. But nothing is impossible. Difficult, yes, but not impossible.

And to be honest, as a woman who loves walking in the park, I was always much safer with my boys around. Nobody dared to come close to me (and believe you me, people go mad about white girls and want to take selfies, so you want protection), and when it came to meeting the right guy, I always had the doggo test to see whether he’s a good person 😉

Hobby/amateur photographer, who lacks the patience to learn the manual mode properly but is slowly learning. I know I won’t ever be a pro and I surely don’t have the money for all this equipment. But what I love about it is that since I got my DSLR, I see the world differently and pay much more attention to my surroundings, astonished by the beauty of it. I started looking at the details, on one hand looking for the perfect shot but on the other enjoying the world so much more. Since more recently I ditched the DSLR though and started using my phone – not as great to be honest but less to carry.

And last but not least: travel enthusiast. After all these restrictions because of the dogs, working like a maniac for more than a year and being completely burned out, and a long time of trying to make travel plans with friends which never worked out, I finally had enough and decided to go and explore the world on my own! Best decision ever!! 🙂

I’m not much of a luxury traveller, I’m way too stingy for that. I rather buy myself some nice souvenirs, do fun activities or treat myself to an awesome dinner, than spending too much money on the room. In the end, we only sleep there, right? I do like a nice and comfortable hotel room and got used to a certain standard (once you’ve been there, it’s really hard to go back to Indian “basics”, and I’m not getting any younger neither ;-)), but I always try to stay in a certain budget. Hence you won’t find any high-class travel advice here neither cheap hostel tips for backpackers. 

I love to have a mix of everything: trekking tours, exploring cities with the full sightseeing program, being on the road by car, (local) bus, bike or scooty. I love taking a trillion pictures and always feel a bit of time pressure when going with friends, hence I prefer going alone or with only a few chosen ones who I found to be the perfect travel companions. This way I can take my own sweet time wherever I am. Russell and my Mom, with whom I travel at least once a year, have proven themselves as perfectly suited for that task!

So what is this blog about?

Well, first of all, the obvious: my travels, in India and around the world – it’s Poser on Tour after all! 🙂 It’s both a travel diary and a bit of a guide, giving gyaan about food, what to do etc. with lots of pictures. I usually do quite a lot of research when travelling, especially when it comes to food and what’s special about places which I would like to share here.

The other big topic is living in India as a foreigner. I want to share my experiences and insights to this different culture to maybe give some guidance to those, who are new to India or Delhi in particular. For Indian readers, it might be interesting to know our side of the story and how foreigners experience India.

What’s left to say than: enjoy reading! 🙂