
  • Altes Schloss Hohenbaden / Hohenbaden Castle, picture by Slashtom
    Europe,  Germany,  Trekking

    Hohenbaden Castle – a hidden gem in plain sight

    I’m back in Germany and that can only mean one thing: hiking! But where to go? Thanks to the brilliant app Explo, I found our next destination within 2 minutes: Battertfelsen at Schloss zu Hohenbaden/Battertfelsen at Hohenbaden Castle in the Black Forest. The pictures were amazing, such a huge and well preserved castle surrounded by the most beautiful landscape – a paradise for rock climbers!

  • Wasserfall-Rundweg Geroldsauer Wasserfall Baden-Baden Schwarzwald Black Forest
    Europe,  Germany,  Trekking

    Geroldsauer Wasserfall Hike: Exploring the Black Forest

    When my best friend saw a hot guy who posted a reel about “Bali in the Black Forest”, he could hardly talk about anything else. So of course we had to explore it the first chance we had! The destination was the “Gay”roldsauer Waterfalls (Geroldsauer Wasserfall to be precise, but the overpowering gay vibes of my friend must’ve influenced my English Google Maps pronunciation 😀 ) close to Baden-Baden and led me once again to my beloved Schwarzwaldhochstraße.

    It turned out to be an unexpected flowery paradise!

  • Pravčická Brána Bohemian Switzerland National Park
    Czechia,  Destinations,  Trekking

    Pravčická Archway and an Odyssey in Hřensko

    It was day 12 of our honeymoon, and I had already chased the hubster through the Alps, Munich, Würzburg, Leipzig, Dresden, and half of the Sächsische Schweiz (‘Saxon Switzerland’). In short: we were EXHAUSTED. It was our last day in Saxon Switzerland and we thought of taking it easy with a short hike. We googled a bit and found the Prebischtor in Czechia (Pravčická Archway or ‘Pravčická brána‘ in Czech, don’t ask me how to pronounce it though 😉 ), in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park, which we could reach by boat. It’s the largest natural sandstone arch in Europe and one of the most recognisable natural landmarks in Czechia. Apparently, even some scenes from The Chronicles of Narnia were shot there.

    According to Google, it was an easy, family-friendly hike, and it all sounded pretty great, so what could possibly go wrong?

    A LOT!

  • Europe,  Folklore,  Germany,  Tales from Europe,  Trekking

    Kloster Allerheiligen: Abbey Ruins, Waterfalls, and a Saga Hike

    When my mother had an appointment in the beautiful town of Kappelrodeck in the Black Forest, I was the first to volunteer to drive her there. I immediately suggested making a day trip out of it and doing some hiking. I hadn’t done any research and did it in Kappelrodeck itself. Google immediately suggested the “Kloster Allerheiligen” (All Saints) Abbey Ruins and Waterfalls which were only a 20 min drive away.

    Abbey Ruins? Count me in!

  • Lajpat Nagar Central Market
    Delhi,  Living in India

    A Guide to Lajpat Nagar Central Market

    When I moved to India, I was completely clueless about where to get anything. For most of the things, the answer is quite simple: Lajpat Nagar Central Market! It’s one of the markets which I would definitely recommend to any tourists to experience a colourful and buzzing Indian bazaar. But how to find anything in this buzzing maze?

    Now an expert whom even my Indian friends ask for advice now and then, I would like to make your life easier by sharing my wisdom. 🙂

  • Modhera Sun Temple
    Gujarat,  India

    Exploring the gems of Gujarat – Adalaj, Modhera and Patan

    During my second Gujarat visit, I finally got to catch up on the things I’ve missed. When I told people first about Gujarat, often the reactions are something like “Gujarat? What do you want THERE?” The clearly have no idea what they’re missing out on! Do check out my blog on day 1 of my trip!

    The morning of day 2 started with a shock: it wasn’t possible to book any Uber or OLA Outstation cabs on such a short notice! The earliest was 4 or 5 pm. I had done it from Delhi to Agra in the past with only 1 hr in advance and simply assumed it would be like this again. Luckily, Russell had randomly spoken about it to our first cab driver the day before and taken his number. He was still free and able to take us on such short notice. Phew!

  • Gujarat,  India

    Exploring the gems of Gujarat – Ahmedabad

    Two and a half years back, I did my very first solo trip: an unforgettable roundtrip through Gujarat. Exploring Ahmedabad with its stepwells, mosques, temples, and Old City, the Jain temples on the mountains in Palitana and Junagadh, the beaches in Diu and Mandhvi, the temples in Somnath and Dwarka and the Great Rann of Kutch in the Thar Desert. As amazing as it was, two places were still missing: the Sun Temple in Modhera and Rani ki Vav, a stepwell in Patan. Little did I know that they turned out to be the absolute highlights in the whole of Gujarat which nobody should miss!