Altes Schloss Hohenbaden / Hohenbaden Castle, picture by Slashtom
Europe,  Germany,  Trekking

Hohenbaden Castle – a hidden gem in plain sight

I’m back in Germany and that can only mean one thing: hiking! But where to go? Thanks to the brilliant app Explo, I found our next destination within 2 minutes: Battertfelsen at Schloss zu Hohenbaden/Battertfelsen at Hohenbaden Castle in the Black Forest. The pictures were amazing, such a huge and well preserved castle surrounded by the most beautiful landscape – a paradise for rock climbers!

I’m seriously embarrassed: we live so close by yet we had never even heard of it! Only 35 min by car from Karlsruhe, 7 min away from Baden-Baden. So let’s get into it!

Hohenbaden Castle

Hiking around Hohenbaden Castle

There are multiple places to start your hike. You can either park directly at the Castle and start your hike from there. To get to the parking, you should come from Baden-Baden via the Schlossbergtangente, Alter Schlossweg to the Hohenbaden Castle. There’s also a Bus line (Linie 215) which is going up there on Sundays from April to October, at 1:15pm and 4:15pm starting from Augustaplatz. Do check the plan though in case there are changes since I’m not going to update this information.

There are some beautiful sights around the Felsenweg, like the viewing platform at the Ritterplatte. When you go further on Battertfelsen, you’ll also get to see a beautiful 600 year old tree tree, the Batterteiche which is a natural monument and the oldest tree in the district of Baden-Baden. Important info: there’s a staircase up to the tree made of natural stones and rocks which is a bit tricky on the way down. There’s a different way around the staircase. It’s best to walk upwards, starting from the gate in the back upwards

We parked at the parking at Battertweg from which it is only 2km up to the castle. It’s a good hike even in very sunny weather since a lot of it is through a beautiful forest.

Battertfelsen Hiking/Wandern Schwarzwald

The Battert-Rundweg which is 2.8km and takes approx. 1.2hrs. You can easily get on this path from the parking I had mentioned before. You’ll get onto the Unterer Felsenweg which you follow up to the castle, and return via the Oberer Felsenweg. It’s a pretty simple hike which even my Chubbster (= Chubby Hubster/Husband) can do without complaining for too long.

The Ebersteinburg-Rundweg is rather difficult with 10.5km which takes approx 3.2 hrs. It starts down at the Wanderparking Wolfsschlucht. From Hohenbaden Castle you then hike via the Battert to a second Castle Ebersteinburg. I would love to try and tell you how difficult it actually was BUT since I have to go with my husband, there’s no way on earth he’ll agree to that. After we kind of got lost in Bavaria and took the wrong hike which lead up a REALLY steep cliff, he doesn’t trust me anymore (and to his defense, he’s fat and has asthma, so yeah, let’s avoid that heart attack) 😀

For hikers who want to walk more, there are three different paths starting at the Caracalla Therme in Baden-Baden, between 4-8km long.

Hohenbaden Castle / Altes Schloss zu Hohenbaden

Hohenbaden Castle is built on the Battert in the 12th century. Markgraf von Baden Hermann II started building the “Oberburg” in 1112, starting with the residential building called Hermannsbau and the “Bergfried” which is the tall tower, which you usually find in castles of the Middle Ages in German-speaking countries and in countries under German influence. It’s like a free-standing fighting tower with a defensive function, similar to that of a keep in English or French castles.

The “Unterburg” followed at the end of the 14th century, built by Markgraf Bernhard I. “Markgraf” is a the German word for Margrave which was originally the medieval title for the military commander assigned to maintain the defence of one of the border provinces of the Holy Roman Empire or a kingdom. 

Hohenbaden castle functioned as headquarters for the margrave until 1479 when it was moved to the Neue Schloss Baden.

There’s a lot to see in the castle and you can easily spend an hour there. It’s completely free. There are also options to eat, one is a beer garden outside with fries, sausages and drinks and an open area to eat, and a restaurant inside which was closed when we came. The beer garden opens on 1st May, the restaurant on 22nd May (info from 2024).

Schloss Hohenbaden

When we visited, we witnessed a cosplay photoshoot, was too much fun to watch 🙂

Cosplay Group at Hohenbaden Castle

Rock Climbing at Battertfelsen

The Battertfelsen is the second largest climbing area in the county after the rocks in the Danube valley. The rocks are only 60m high but are the most significant climbing area of the Black Forest, with difficulties up to IX degree. It’s the ideal training ground for alpine tours.

The most difficult rock is called “The Block/Der Block” with difficulty 10- to 10. For beginners there’s “Predigtstuhl Westwand” from which there are multiple options from II to IV. There’s the Bismarkgrat, Kuhweg, Villnößer Nadel and a few more.

Please note that the block heap underneath the Badener Wand is prohibited throughout the year and that some of them are closed during certain breeding seasons.

Hiking Jugaad

Imagine this: you’re super excited, packed enough water for a full day of hiking, start the hike and after 20m you realise that the soles of one of your shoes came off. For the first time in years I had worn open sandals which my mother had left for me ages ago, and finally I thought it was time to take them out. And BAM, the sole disintegrates. My friend’s first reaction was “let’s go to Deichmann and buy new ones” but I first wanted to see how far I get.

My first idea was to walk barefoot, since I anyways do that a lot in the garden and beach. But of course there were too many stones and it was pretty painful. Then I had the random thought of using my hair band to fix it – and it worked!

We of course cut our trip short and only visited the castle, but it lasted me the entire hike and saved the day 🙂

Discover the Black Forest

The black forest has so much to offer and is incredibly beautiful! If you’re somewhere around, you simply MUST visit! Last year, Domi and I explored the Geroldsauer Waterfall hike which was out of this world in this season! My husband and I once did a day trip I’m yet to write about: 350km by car through the Black Forest, from Hornisgrinde through the most quaint villages up to Titisee Neustadt.


Entry to the Castle: Free

Parking: Free

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